Family. Brotherhood. Community. Pi Sigma Epsilon.
Family. Brotherhood. Community. Pi Sigma Epsilon.
President’s Welcome
Hello! On behalf of our entire fraternity, I would like to welcome you to the official website of Pi Sigma Epsilon’s Eta Iota Chapter at the University of Michigan.
PSE prides itself on propelling forward-thinking individuals into the next leaders of the business world. We look for passionate, ambitious people with standout personalities who thrive in an environment where they are supported and uplifted by like-minded peers. At PSE, we are always eager to learn from one another, cultivating relationships that accelerate career development alongside driving personal growth. The dedication to PSE extends far beyond graduation, as seen in our expansive alumni network, who are more than willing to give back to the community that played a massive role in their success.
A key aspect of PSE is our unparalleled brotherhood. Whether it’s playing games at chapter meetings or dominating the IM sports world, we truly cherish the time we get to spend together. Our fraternity is made up of so many unique characters, and it’s through our diversity and embracing of one another that we’ve developed such a strong community. PSE has had such a massive positive impact on my college experience, and it is my honor as President to foster that same impact for the next generation of members.
We invite you to explore the rest of our website to learn more about who we are and what we have to offer. Apply today and begin your journey towards joining the best community on campus. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me at nkushnir@umich.edu.
With gratitude,
Nathan Kushnir